SQL, Knowledge Management, and e-Discovery Connectors

SQL Connector
The optional Worldox SQL connector allows for the export of Worldox Profile Group definitions, field tables, user information, and document profiles with SQL database tables. Basically a one way export of Worldox metadata to a SQL database. This export can be done on demand or as scheduled event from the Worldox indexer schedule . Key benefits are you can then access your Worldox profile information using SQL queries and providing access to this information by 3rd party ODBC products.
Metajure ILLUMINATE Connector
The Worldox ILLUMINATE Connector allows users to search across all repositories simultaneously while respecting existing security permissions. It collects, indexes and searches the files, emails and metadata across the Worldox repository, as well as other storage sites, unstructured data files and other locations throughout the firm. ILLUMINATE automatically OCRs all documents, as well so that the data is included in every relevant search. The easy interface ensures an intuitive user experience.
Metajure SPOTLIGHT Connector
SPOTLIGHT is fully integrated with Worldox and can be installed behind a firm’s secure fire wall in just hours. SPOTLIGHT automatically OCRs all image documents and indexes all of the documents and data pertaining to a case inside a firm’s Worldox repository, in other dedicated storage sites, and on personal computers, regardless of format, making the information immediately searchable. Because SPOTLIGHT doesn’t require time-consuming data conversions, users can gather, filter, analyze, spot and export all the information they need without wasting a moment. SPOTLIGHT is also available in a secure Cloud environment.
Cavo eD Connector
When litigation is looming on the horizon, the most time consuming part of the process is document review and production. Gathering relevant information from a document management system has been a logistical problem in the past.
Electronic discovery is often seen as too expense and complicated. As data volume increases, costs rise accordingly. Worldox users need an integrated eDiscovery platform to capture documents for litigation. Cavo eD is a complete eDiscovery platform that can be customized for simple document review through complicated analytics and production.
Worldox and Cavo eD have connected two powerful systems to create a unified process for handling your litigation documents. This new solution complements your Worldox document management and legal hold tools with a connector tool that allows you to easily upload your litigation documents directly into Cavo eD, a full-featured eDiscovery platform. You can streamline your litigation readiness, while maintaining complete control over your documents.