Category: Cloud

Innovative Firm Culhane Meadows Leverages Worldox Cloud Technology for Greater Efficiency

Firm Profile Culhane Meadows is proudly shaking up the legal marketplace by offering exceptional, yet highly-efficient and cost-effective, client services provided exclusively by partner-level attorneys with substantial experience from large law firms or in-house legal departments of respected corporations. The Business Challenge The law firm of Culhane Meadows was formed in 2013 when 16 attorneys in four cities split off from another larger firm to form their own new firm with a unique business model. They were committed to delivering legal services efficiently “by leveraging emerging technology, while avoiding the burden of extravagant office space, excessive support staff, fancy artwork

Plancorp’s seamless migration to Worldox Cloud with Salesforce integration results in a simple and secure transition

When document management and Customer Relationship Management (“CRM”) systems are integrated, employees can find things easily and become more productive. Plancorp, a Registered Investment Advisor, transformed their systems and streamlined their business processes using Worldox Cloud and Salesforce so that their advisors could focus more on client service rather than their IT infrastructure. The Business Challenge Dr. Bob Tucker joined Plancorp just as they were installing a document management system 10 years ago. Because of his experience with electronic records in a prior career, he was selected to lead the implementation. That system was provided by a local company who

First‐time DMS users at Phillip Hack & Associates are reaping the benefits of Worldox Cloud

Phillip Hack & Associates had been searching for a more efficient way to organize their critical documents and accompanying emails. They were using the search feature within Windows Explorer to find documents and the process was arduous and inefficient. Since most staff members used Microsoft® Office and Adobe® Acrobat, they wanted a system that would integrate with their current applications. Many lawyers work remotely at night, on weekends and on business trips, so there was an urgent need for a remote-access solution, preferably a cloud-based one. Their IT support team, MMI Technology Consultants, Inc., recommended Worldox GX3 Cloud because they

How one innovative law firm pursued the elusive, “paperless office” goal … and pretty much made it happen.

Background With more than 30 years of legal experience, J Stanford Morse P.A. specializes in automobile accidents and wrongful death cases. Efficiency and productivity matter here. We never hesitate to implement technology solutions where there will be a quantifiable gain in those areas. We have long wanted to move to a “less paper-intensive” style of work. We already use the Needles Case Management System, and find it well suited to our litigation practice areas. Document management seemed to be the next logical step; we’re a small firm, but still have thousands upon thousands of documents, emails and scanned files. The

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