Kinnami – Secure your data. On any device. Anywhere.
Kinnami/AmiShare provides a hyper-resilient data platform that integrates data security, data protection, and data availability to help organizations combat growing cyber threats and other disruptions to their businesses. Our platform secures data so that they can be accessed securely, efficiently, and with confidence about their integrity, everywhere. Encrypted shards are duplicated and distributed across an organization’s network of servers, endpoints and the Cloud based on administrative policies. The platform also provides audits and alerts that enable proactive management of threats. Use Cases: Secure Data Exchange, Cloud Security & Migration, Regulatory Compliance, remote work, bring your own device.
Join the Kinnami team, Chris Chandler, Founder & CTO; Sujeesh Krishnan, CEO and James Burke, Director of Business Development, as they show you how its distributed data security platform can protect Worldox clients data from breaches, ransomware attacks, facilitate remote work-bring your own device- gig/temporary workers, ensure regulatory compliance on all your devices and with everyone you need to collaborate or share files with.