Converting multiple files to PDF

pdfDocs right-click menu choices (sample here) are active when one or more files are selected on the visible worklist. However, pdfDocs only converts and outputs one PDF file at a time, unless you choose the Load into Project option.

       With multiple files selected on a Worldox worklist, choosing the Load into Project option does indeed convert all selected files to PDF, then lists them - ready for output - in the pdfDocs window.

You can choose one or more files in that window to save PDFs to Worldox as a new document or related document, or attach and email. If multiple files are selected in this window, they are combined and output as one PDF file - not as separate PDFs.

Tip:  Selecting multiple files for output in the pdfdocs window combines those files, creating one PDF. If you want each PDF as a single file, you have to select and output files one at a time in that window.

       If you select multiple files on the Worldox worklist, then choose any other active pdfDocs right-click option on the Send To menu, only the first file selected is actually converted to PDF and saved or output as requested.

Best practice

Here are best practice guidelines for batch-generating PDFs using the Productivity Suite pdfDocs module:

       If you need to have each converted file available as a separate PDF, then save/output one file at a time from the Worldox worklist.  


         Batch-select files on the worklist, then select Send To > Load into Project from the right-click menu.

         Once in the pdfDocs window, save/output one file at a time.

       If combining multiple files into one PDF is acceptable, then:

         Select all files to be converted on the Worldox worklist. then select Send To > Load into Project from the right-click menu.

         Once in the pdfDocs window, save/output all files at once.

Note:   For more on working with the pdfDocs window, see the "Load into Project" option.