Right-click options on worklists

Right-clicking worklist items is a good way to take action in Worldox. Select sets of useful commands are found on right-click menus. Just highlight (select) one or more files on a worklist, then right-click to see available action choices.

Tip:  Be sure to check the Send To submenu. You'll find several useful options here - for copying files, printing, pdf-generation and more.

The right-click menu on worklists varies according to context - where and how the menu is accessed. Right-click menus also can change according to recent actions taken. Here's an example. This is the first menu seen on right-clicking a worklist item, in the current Worldox session:

Click More on that menu to see the More submenu, which lists additional action choices:

Whatever action you select on that More menu, that choice then appears on the top-level menu the next time you see it. This saves you an extra mouse-click, and customizes access to what you may be likely to do again.

Tip:  In GX3, you may see Productivity Suite choices on right-click menus, even if that add-on has not been purchased at your site. That is so you can preview Productivity Suite features.


        Compare with compareDocs choices are shown on illustrations above. Worldox users who have the DocsCorp compareDocs application installed see these choices. compareDocs is part of the Productivity Suite; if you are using the Productivity Suite - and the compareDocs module is activated - you can access compareDocs via right-click.

        Productivity Suite users also could see additional Send To choices on right-click menus, if the pdfDocs module is activated.

There are other useful right-click menus in Worldox:

       On worklist tabs

       On document tabs

       In My Workspaces

       On the bookmark bar

Note:  Many of the functions accessed by right-click menu are also available via toolbar buttons and keyboard shortcuts (QuickKeys).

Tip:  Right-click choices are available in many other locations in Worldox, not just on file lists. For example, right-click on the toolbar to add, remove or change buttons ... or right-click on list column headers to add, move or delete list columns. Or, right-click on the Categories column to assign (group) related files together in pre-defined categories.