My toolbar looks different ...

Throughout this Help file, instructions and pictures reference various Worldox toolbars and toolbar buttons.

However, please note: there is no one, standard Worldox. Worldox can be customized in many ways, and could (probably will) look rather different at your site. So what to do if Help topics mention toolbar buttons you are not seeing?

       First, realize that all toolbar button choices are also available on pull-down menus. Help instructions most often mention matching pull-down menu choices. If not, check the toolbar button key and see what that matching choice is, then use the pull-down menu instead.

       Perhaps you are seeing the referenced button and don't know it. Toolbar button names and even icon graphics can be changed, so it is possible that your Worldox Administrator has made changes.

       The fastest way to find out is to ask your Worldox Manager or Administrator. They control access to Worldox features, and may have limited access for some reason. They may also have changed button names or icons, or set certain preferences only they can see. It's worth checking.

And of course, feel free to contact Worldox Technical Support.


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